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inglês [en], .pdf, 🚀/lgli/lgrs/zlib, 6.8MB, 📘 Livro (não-ficção), lgli/0231194900_9780231194907_ArtificialWhitenessPoliticsAndIdeologyInArtificialIntelligence.pdf
Artificial Whiteness: Politics And Ideology In Artificial Intelligence 🔍
Columbia University Press, 1st Edition, 2020
Yarden Katz 🔍
Dramatic statements about the promise and peril of artificial intelligence for humanity abound, as an industry of experts claims that AI is poised to reshape nearly every sphere of life. Who profits from the idea that the age of AI has arrived? Why do ideas of AI’s transformative potential keep reappearing in social and political discourse, and how are they linked to broader political agendas? Yarden Katz reveals the ideology embedded in the concept of artificial intelligence, contending that it both serves and mimics the logic of white supremacy. He demonstrates that understandings of AI, as a field and a technology, have shifted dramatically over time based on the needs of its funders and the professional class that formed around it. From its origins in the Cold War military-industrial complex through its present-day Silicon Valley proselytizers and eager policy analysts, AI has never been simply a technical project enabled by larger data and better computing. Drawing on intimate familiarity with the field and its practices, Katz instead asks us to see how AI reinforces models of knowledge that assume white male superiority and an imperialist worldview. Only by seeing the connection between artificial intelligence and whiteness can we prioritize alternatives to the conception of AI as an all-encompassing technological force. Bringing together theories of whiteness and race in the humanities and social sciences with a deep understanding of the history and practice of science and computing, Artificial Whiteness is an incisive, urgent critique of the uses of AI as a political tool to uphold social hierarchies.
Cover......Page 1
Title......Page 2
Title - complete......Page 4
Copyright......Page 5
Dedication......Page 6
Contents......Page 8
Preface......Page 10
Introduction......Page 14
I. Formation......Page 30
1 In the Service of Empire......Page 32
2 In the Service of Capital......Page 78
II. Self and the Social Order......Page 104
3 Epistemic Forgeries and Ghosts in the Machine......Page 106
4 Adaptation, Not Abolition: Critical AI Experts and Carceral-Positive Logic......Page 140
5 Artificial Whiteness......Page 166
III. Alternatives......Page 196
6 Dissenting Visions: From Autopoietic Love to Embodied War......Page 198
7 A Generative Refusal......Page 238
Acknowledgments......Page 248
Notes......Page 250
Bibliography......Page 316
Index......Page 338
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comentários nos metadados
Título alternativo
Artificial Whiteness - Politics and Ideology in Artificial Intelligence
Título alternativo
Artificial whiteness : politics and ideology in artificial intelligence
Título alternativo
Artificial whiteness. Politics and ideology in artificial intelligence
Autor alternativo
Katz, Yarden
Edição alternativa
Illustrated, 2020
Edição alternativa
Irvington, 2020
Edição alternativa
New York, 2020
Descrição alternativa
"Dramatic statements about the promise and peril of artificial intelligence for humanity abound, as an industry of experts claims that AI is poised to reshape nearly every sphere of life. Who profits from the idea that the age of AI has arrived? Why do ideas of AI's transformative potential keep reappearing in social and political discourse, and how are they linked to broader political agendas? Yarden Katz reveals the ideology embedded in the concept of artificial intelligence, contending that it both serves and mimics the logic of white supremacy. He demonstrates that understandings of AI, as a field and a technology, have shifted dramatically over time based on the needs of its funders and the professional class that formed around it. From its origins in the Cold War military-industrial complex through its present-day Silicon Valley proselytizers and eager policy analysts, AI has never been simply a technical project enabled by larger data and better computing. Drawing on intimate familiarity with the field and its practices, Katz instead asks us to see how AI reinforces models of knowledge that assume white male superiority and an imperialist worldview. Only by seeing the connection between artificial intelligence and whiteness can we prioritize alternatives to the conception of AI as an all-encompassing technological force. Bringing together theories of whiteness and race in the humanities and social sciences with a deep understanding of the history and practice of science and computing, Artificial Whiteness is an incisive, urgent critique of the uses of AI as a political tool to uphold social hierarchies"-- Provided by publisher
Descrição alternativa
Dramatic statements about the promise and peril of artificial intelligence for humanity abound, as an industry of experts claims that AI is poised to reshape nearly every sphere of life. Who profits from the idea that the age of AI has arrived? Why do ideas of AI's transformative potential keep reappearing in social and political discourse, and how are they linked to broader political agendas?0Yarden Katz reveals the ideology embedded in the concept of artificial intelligence, contending that it both serves and mimics the logic of white supremacy. He demonstrates that understandings of AI, as a field and a technology, have shifted dramatically over time based on the needs of its funders and the professional class that formed around it. From its origins in the Cold War military-industrial complex through its present-day Silicon Valley proselytizers and eager policy analysts, AI has never been simply a technical project enabled by larger data and better computing. Drawing on intimate familiarity with the field and its practices, Katz instead asks us to see how AI reinforces models of knowledge that assume white male superiority and an imperialist worldview. Only by seeing the connection between artificial intelligence and whiteness can we prioritize alternatives to the conception of AI as an all-encompassing technological force.0Bringing together theories of whiteness and race in the humanities and social sciences with a deep understanding of the history and practice of science and computing, Artificial Whiteness is an incisive, urgent critique of the uses of AI as a political tool to uphold social hierarchies
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Collectionzlib Collectionisbndb Collectionworldcat Collectionlibgen_rs Collectionopenlib Collectionlibgen_li Filepathlgrsnf/0231194900_9780231194907_ArtificialWhitenessPoliticsAndIdeologyInArtificialIntelligence.pdf Filepathlgli/0231194900_9780231194907_ArtificialWhitenessPoliticsAndIdeologyInArtificialIntelligence.pdf ISBN-100-231-19491-9 ISBN-100-231-55107-X ISBN-100-231-19490-0 ISBN-13978-0-231-19490-7 ISBN-13978-0-231-55107-6 ISBN-13978-0-231-19491-4 LCCQ334.7.K38 2020 Libgen.li File93890769 Libgen.li libgen_id2923175 Libgen.rs Non-Fiction2896887 MD59A5D5FB25BD67B2EBF1F632B4AA09D50 MD59a5d5fb25bd67b2ebf1f632b4aa09d50 OCLC/WorldCat1224572349 OCLC/WorldCat1220887343 OCLC/WorldCat1223032674 OCLC/WorldCat1225910368 OCLC/WorldCat1154076090 Open LibraryOL29518446M Open LibraryOL21695640W Open LibraryOL29518445M Server Pathe/lgrsnf/2896000/9a5d5fb25bd67b2ebf1f632b4aa09d50 Torrentexternal/libgen_rs_non_fic/r_2896000.torrent Z-Library11316642
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