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Free Trial
- Publication:
- The Washington Posti
- Location:
- Washington, District of Columbia
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 13
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)
ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED 1511 1JTH ST Attractive well kept and heated bouse third floor front rooms large and small also aeeopr noor back room vacant March 1 kitchenette privileges II desired continuous hot atcr phcpe owner 21 2120 BT NW One two three or lour newly papeitd nicely furnished rooms gas range porcelain sink and other housekeeping conveniences large closets hot and cold water reasonable 20 118 MD AVB NE Fur room southern exposure hot water heat near Capitol Phone Line S6B 20 Wl ST NW Two communicating rooms 21 2ST AVE water heat Three rooms new house hot 21 THE OAKLAND 2006 Gol road Apt 23 Rooms and bath newly papered reasonable 21 PHONE WEST 1711 Large first floor front room 21 617 5TH ST NW Rooms vate family reasonable all conveniences prl 21 THE PENHUnST Apt 3S Room ettam het 21 WITH BOARD A 13o7 ST NW opposite Hotel Dewey Large and small rooms single or en suite with beautiful new private baths if desired steam heat excellent board transients accommodated Fhone North 33 felS JOt 1H CONN AVE NW Large handsomely furnished fecond floor room with private lavatory and adjoining bath steam heat excellent table also other desirable rooms In well appointed home regular meals or dinners served on application Phone North 48 felt Mt AFTON HOUSE i2o 2 1TH ST corner Mass ave A select boarding place centrally located excellent table convenient to all car lines transients accommodated Phone North 3156 22 1STH ST NW Inauguration accommodations 2M per day room and board phone CONN INN 1307 Conn ave Handsomely fur rooms home cooking good location near cars ys 2i LAFAYETTE PARK One single room large room until March 1 all conveniences steam heat electricity 20 SI 6 18TH ST NW Large beautlul front rooms with board central location near Hotels Powhatan xEveret and Banorolt and both car lines fel7 llt 1360 KENYON ST NW Young man In government employ would like gentleman to share his room and board in house 20 1324 MONROE ST Apt 16 A11 the conyenlences a homelike apartment for the price of a room private family gentlemen only Tel Col 860 23 ROOMS FOR RENT UNFURNISHED 924 ST NW Unfar rooms tl hist and gu 2S 1143 6TH ST NW Two newly papered rooms heat light bath 8 mo 21 708 8T NE Two Unfur rooms heat convenient to can Ltk ff1 THE MELROSE rooms Apt 52 Two fur or 119 10TH ST NE Unfur rooms three heat light good bath private family reasonable S3 13M ST 8E Three unfur roonu for 1 light heat no children 23 214 2D ST NE For 1 bedroom and kitchen well fur warm bright clean 23 THE ATLANTIC 10th and sts Apt 102 Fine south room first floor reasonable 21 102 4TH ST gas bath SE Three large bright rooms heat phone 21 513 6TH ST SE Three unfnr floor heat gas bath rooms on third 21 jTH ST NE Two large unfur convenient to cars rooms 1 21 BUSINESS CHANCES 3 bHK gfisKg BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Manufacturing enterprise wishes to place Mfora right party an industrial proposition of the highest standard Will gladly forward full detailed Information Must be prepared to finance the business on safe and conservative basis Invest meat very profitable associations pleasant remuneration perfectly satisfactory Gocdi staple and in use throughout entire world This Is on opportunity of a lifetime the present management have been in this Una of manufacture for 23 yean Address Ward 441 18th St Brooklyn 20 MORNING newspaper route for sale in north west of city mustho sold by March 1 half cash balance monthly Address Box 691 this office 20 BARBER SHOP for rent Fully equtjrped good location and good trade Apply at once Thos Brown 617 41 2 st sw 20 FOR RENT Kitchen and dining room partly furnished near 7th and sts nw Box 709 this office 21 FOR SALE Ball bearing typewriter Al condition dress Box 704 this office Smith Bros a bargain Ad 20 LEGALNOTICSS 1219 11TH ST NW Small unfur room floor next bath two large windows second 21 1524 heat NW Two unfur reasonable rooms hot water 21 1S22 AVE NW Unfuj rooms heat and light furnished convenient to et car line 21 204 ST NW month Two rooms heat gas bath 215 21 1352 ST cor 14th Four desirable rooms reasonable refs 21 KlHNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 1426 UTH ST NW 2 large rooms 1st floor 2 on 3d good location near cars other rooms heat and gas for 1 fel9 12t FURNISHED or unfurnished large 3d story front room southern exposure one square two car lines private family Apply 1727 Euclid st nw 23 21 5TH ST NW Furnished or unfurnished rooms with or without board near all car lines convenient to government printing office pension and patent offices 23 3 ST NW Two rooms tor with sink in kitchen J10 per month 23 1426 HTH ST NW Several rooms including kitcnenette gas range and sink fur 326 unfur J20 20 921 STH ST NW Large rur or unfur parlor well heated next to bath In quiet home 20 1747 ST NW Large pleasant rooms 6 to 310 southern exposure steam heat desirable location 23 1430 8TH ST NW Two communicating rooms for 1 heat and gas no children reasonable 1015 ST NW Three unfur and three rooms with modern Improvements 1024 VERMONT AVENUE Ne furnished room single or en suite eulrally lo atfd house excellent table board breailaju and dinner or breakfast as desired fe3O 30t THE ILSTER INN 1627 19th st nw Select boarding excellent cuisine beantlful rooms transients arcommodated for inauguration Mount rieasant pars one square Dupont circle ma5 NW Large room for two Br three single room good board 23 vOT 3D ST NW Front rooms ano hallroom 4 with board with board 23 ST Beautiful large delightful location corner room 6 6T11 ST SV Well fur rooms convenient to ars and Avenue 23 ST Private Ixcelllent meais house finely fur rooms Oli 15T1I ST Joining bath Comfortably al meals ur rooms ad 212 12TH ST first floor al NW Largo room fur or unfur fine dining roam and kitchen 23 12H ST NW Large attractive second floor TroDf room southern exposure central 23 1122 1IT1I ST Fur hallroom with good 416 6TH ST NW Fur room with board 21 home board J4 week 1412 MAS AVE Apt 7 Nicely fur rooms good board elevator and phone 21 Largo third floor front room convenient to Capitol 21 1214 12TH ST NW Large room private bath hot water hca good board two or three per sonv reasonable 21 023 STH ST bio rooms NW Wcll furnlshed single and dou board warm house 21 20 VT AVE Bright second floor front room good Southern Jioarl 21 217 1ITH ST SW Larg nicely fur rooms comfortable adjoining bath second floor heat 21 23 6TH ST NW board reasonable Large central well fur room with suitable for two 21 1104 STH ST NW excellent table Bright back parlor well fur 146 11T11 ST NW Two nice large rooms and bath second floor reasonable 22 7TH ST SW Apt 4 Brlght warm room In apt suitable for two nicely 117 PA couple AVE or tn NW Nicely fur i adults room married ST NW two rooms Rooms bath and heat 11250 57 22 ST SE Two fur second story rooms for hrat jms and bath 20 22 rooms for sleeping second 404 6TH ST NW Tw floor fiat water boat PHONE 7231 Nicelv fur rooms 11117 13TH ST NW Large double room second floor front good home table 22 412 A ST SF Desirable second story front room good board near tapllol and Library 22 Wi ST NW Nicety fur rooms with board steam heat bath each floor central 22 ills I AVE Attractive second floor front room suitable for two gentlemen home cooking phooc 22 i BELMONT ST NW Bright pleasant rooms private home bath rood home table 32 i26 ST NW floor central Nicely fur room bath same irellent board 3 per week 2 6 ST NW Large front rooms two gentlemen excellent tabl hoard private family 22 1C05 13TH PT NW rooms gool table Nicely fur flngle and double moderate prices ZZ 21S 3D ST SE Nicely fur room fine board 1434 I AVE Well furnished front room water heat phone 10 7TH 6T NE Kurntstred rooms with board 22 1330 VT AVE Nicely furnished room hot water heat eeelcm table North 6362 lSli KALORAMA Rll fine location aul North 7SS7 NW Half block 2 car lines service rates low riiont 2 126 ST NW excellent board rt hath er week ame floor central 20 226 ST per week NW Room tath same floor J125 1226 same NW Nicely furnished excellent board 5 per bath 20 264 COLOMBIA RD Handsomely lug room with small tables fur rooms din 10T1I ST NW Front toam heat and hot water floor 20 6 ST NW bark room eti largc nicely fur second floor 9 KLCLID ST NW Two large well fur rooms private bath single or en suite Phone 1636 1205 6TH ST VW Two large rooms bay window and alcove 1 a i 23 1115 9TH ST NW Large front room hot water heat elevator service Phone Apt 7 22 921 STH ST NW Front and back rooms quiet home low rent no children 22 607 ST NE Room fur or unfur 841 ST NW Three adjoining rooms for housekeeping bath adjoining reasonable 21 3125 14TH ST NW Room In private family gentleman or office people preferred 21 WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD 2327 FA AVE Large sunny room cars pass the door modern reasonable Phone 450 22 815 9TH ST NW Second and third floor rooms with or without board hot water heat centra 22 1223 ST NW Large nicely fur front room hot water heat reasonable 23 FOR SALE Several shares of stock in one of the largest apartment houses in the city Address 3422 13th st nw 22 POOLROOM club charter cheap to quick purchaser doing good business low rent good reason for selling no brokers AddreBa Box 720 this office 21 PARTNER with capital for manufacturing of fine package chocolates Big profit investigate proposition Box 735 this office fe202223 FOR SALE Lunchroom very best location in cltT nearest Union Station Address Box 6S this office 22 FOR SALE Lunch stand privilege for March 3 and 4 best location on avenue reasonable ter ns Box 718 this office 21 COMPLETELY fur 11 room housa 225 634 st nw bet 10 a and 12 noon ft WILSON and JSTRlCIOAJvTJ AttariJ IX THE SUPBEMX COUBT OP THE DISTRICT 01 Columbia holding a special term as a district court la the matter of the condemnation of squares number S32 80 St 68J 84 721 722 723 and all that part of square numbered SSI lying east of Arthur plate all in the city I Washington District of Columbia 10104 Ordtrtopon filing report of commissioners This court havtnj heretofore upon the petition ld hy th United States on September 16 1J12 herein appointed appralBo the value of the respective interests of all persons or others concerned to indte the several parcels of ground 4aa the improvements tberee a contained In squares 632 SSO 81 J8J 684 721 722 723 and all that part square numbered 633 lying east of Arthur place all In the city of Washington District of Columbia Samuel Hoas Rosier Dulany and John Childress commissioners who upon October 28 1112 were duly sworn to perform the duties assigned to them and they hating this 29th day of January WIS returned Into open court their appraisem*nt it such values together with tho testimony and eihlblt takan an oie4 is th hearings by them had et the several persons Interested and the witnesses ap peering before them It is this 29th day of January 191S ordered that such appraisem*nt together with the testimony and exhibits afowssii be now filed In the office of the clerk of the court as and ror me report or the commissioners 01 tneir actio and appraisem*nt and that any party In Interest shall hare thirty days from this date to file exceptions thereto and tt Is further ordered that the further consideration of said appraisem*nt and the exceptions thereto if any there be Is continued until the 6TH DAY OF MARCH 1913 And be it further ordered that a copy of this order be served so far as practicable upon the several parties in interest or their attorneys of record on or before fifteen days from the date of this order and that a copy of this Order be published in the Evening Star The Washington Post and the Washington Law Reporter once a week for four successive weeks from this dste ASHLEY GOULD Justice Seal A true copy Attest YOUNQ Clerk By BELEW Assistant Clerk Ia30fe6132t SALOON Near Pa ave city for J2959 Dodd 9th and sts nw best proposition In the Co northeast corner fel6tf WILL pay 5 to J10 per day investment of 31009 a safe investment Address Box 703 this office 20 COMMISSIONERS NOTICE 22 ADAMS ST NW Nicely fur room private family excellent location board optional 23 15 ST NW Large furnished room3 with or without board near 22 1S34 9TH ST NW Furnished rooms desirable location convenient to car lines reasonable gentlemen preferred 22 1322 ST Fur rooms with or without board 21 ROOMS WANTED YOUNG man desires room in small private family 0 minutes of Treasury board optional Address Box 680 this office 20 BY gentleman wife and grown daughter rooms for March 3 4 and 5 must be In Immediate locality of Thomas circle 1122 Vt ave 20 FOUR or five unfur rooms first floor must be reasonable northwest near 113 st nw 22 BY widow with boy 12 years of age room for 1 517 3d ct nw 22 FURNISHED BY Couple Room fur for In southeast month Jas Reld General Delivery BY young couple with children room for 1 J150 per week Krause General Delivery 23 WITH BOARD BOARD and room by young man In quiet neighborhood state price and location Groves 723 loth st nw 21 YOUNG lady In office wishes first class room and board in Mt Pleasant Box 721 this office 23 UNFURNISHED THREE or four rooms at once 912 12th st nw by the month 20 THREE rooms third floor two large and one small 15 1023 22d St fiw 23 451 11 ST NW Three light rooms suitable for 1 reasonable with owner 20 419 3D ST One large one small room and large kitchen heat and gas hot water first floor 20 TABLE BOARD 1122 VT AVE Excellent Southern table board reasonable desirable rooms near reference exchanged 21 BOARD WANTED BY Postofflce employe Board near tth and ets payable semimonthly St 925 9th MONEY TO LOAN SECOND TRUST Money to Loan at 6 per cent on District Real Estate Any amount from 200 to 5000 dn first or second trust In straight note or monthly payments Takes only three days to make them CIIAHIilSS TRIBBV Thompson Building 703 15th St Opposite Treasury next Drug Store 1 ST houfe NW Large front room nicely kept I ST NW barge and small rooms board central location 607 3D ST NW Large si cond floor front room hillroom 1 goorl home table 20 llSrt KENYON ST NW One large and on small Mem with excellent board 20 IWFIRNISHED J7 i ST NW 2 rooms 1ft floor 1 Including large kitchen pantry dresser stationary washtubs heat and gafs furnished reasonable 22 Light housekeeping 3 unfur gas and bath outlook on park 20 C05 2D ST NW Front room and hallroom second floor reasonable 22 940 AMI NW Unfur rooms 17 10TH ST NK Three unfur rooms heat gas bath same floor gas range If desired 50 07 ST NK Three large third floor rooms nest and gas near and Station for couple 31 6TH ST NW WcK heated front room two unfur nonis reasonable 22 2i 10TH ST NW Large second fieor reom well heated 22 1412 MERIDIAN ST NW rooms every i onvrnlence near 14th ft cars Becond floor front light housekeeping 22 MO 7TH ST NK Three rooms hot wattr heat light housekeeping 23 I01S 10TH I near bath NW Two rooms second fioer 344 ST Thre rooms for light housekeeping all modem improvements no children 22 iil 2D ST NK Tuo large rooms bath Opposite Vnin stmion IS ST SI large closets Largp room three windows ieat light housekeeping 401 6TH ST vate bath SW Three large rooms with rrl beat sas 16 22 33 ST XII Three unfur rooms 10 per month 23 314 KENNKDY heat second fh Three rooms bath gaa and use of ttatlonary waEhstand 23 117 10TIT ST NK Two unfur rooms for I heat ga and bath fame floor gag range 10 23 1135 TH ST SW and wife 1 Unfur rooms suitable for man convenient to car bam 23 2123 ST NW Third floor three rooms large 1 losers hot water heat 1 23 2307 ST NW Two unfur rooms and bath second floor heat gas reasonable 23 1107 STH ST NW Front room nice vtclnlty with kitchenette heated 23 MONEY to loan on District of Columbia rf al estate at lowest rates of Interest All transactions closed promptly Thomas Fisher Co Inc 738 13th st nw Ia2 tf SECOND TRUST MONBT TO LOAN ON IM proved city property in sums from 200 to 2000 at 6 per cent Straight loans or monthly payments No charge for appraisem*nt unless loan Is made No unnecessary delays BROWN CO 406 Commercial Bank Blag fell tf MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL Estate lowest rates of interest payments on principal in amounts of 100 or more received at any Interest period The SMITH COMPANY 1408 ave LOANS negotiated on Indorsed notes stocks all kinds collateral I buy notes no red tape can accommodate same day that apply Bennett E10 MeL Bank Gldg Tel Main ES0S Jyl0 tf MONEY TO LOAN 250 to 500000 on real estate several trust funds 4VJ per cent all transactions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers WM SAUNDERS CO Southern Building 07 ljlh et nw flJ Mt MONEY to loan on city real estate at current rates of interest Privilege of prior payments Ltrgs amounts a specialty Tyler a Kutnenora me 730 Uth et nw 10000 TOiLOAN In sums to suit at 6 per cent RAYMOND TOMPKINS Room 10 23 John Marshall Place Phone Main 194C Jal2 tf MARKETS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CiryandSubuTbanRealE state HOUSES FOR SALE APARTMENTS FOR RENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE District of Columbia Washington February 7th 1313 Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the District of Columbia Intend to malte the followingfollowing named Improvements which are In their judgment necessary for the public health safety and comfort Assessments for one half of the cost of the same will be made as provided In Public Act No 171 approved August 7 1394 Parties who are Interested In the proposed work are notified that the Commissioners will give a public hearing at the District Building on WEDNESDAY February 26th 1913 at ten oclock A in the Board Room of the said Commissioners to any and all persons who may desire to object thereto Northwest section Set new curb on both sides of street northwest from 4th street to 7th street at en estimated cost of 2900 to be assessed against all lots in squares 447 479 480 511 and 512 abutting the said work On the north side of street northwest from North Capitol street to 1st street west at an estimated cost of 1100 to be assessed against all lots In square 623 abutting the said work On the east side of 11th street northwest from I street to street at an estimated cost of J500 to be assessed against all lots In square 343 abutting the aald work Reset curb and lay cement sidewalk On the east side of 6th street northwest frowi street to street at an estimated cost of 791 to be assessed against all lots In square 482 abutting the said work On the west side of 14th street northwest from street to Church street at an estimated cost of 3SS to be assessed against all lots In square 209 abutting the said work On the north side of street northwest from 12th street to 13th street at an estimated cost of 360 to be assessed against all lots In square 292 abutting the said work On both sides Of 7th street northwest from street to street at an estimated cost of 1564 to be assessed aealnst all lots In sauares 424 and 448 abut ting the said work On the north side of sTreet DOrtnwest from tn street to 8ta street at an estimated cost of 410 to be assessed against all lots In square 422 abutting the said work On the west side of sth street northwest from street to Florida Avenue west side of Florida avenue from Sth street to Vermont avenue west side of Florida avenue from Vermont avenue to street and from street to cement walk north of alley squar 357 at an estimated cost of 1535 to be assessed against all lots In squares 357 358 and 860 abutting the said work On the west side of 7th street northwest from street to street at an estimated cost of 848 to be assessed against all lots In square 423 abutting the said work On the west side of 14th street northwest from street to Corcoran street at an estimated cost of 630 to be assessed against all lots in square 208 abutting the said wurk Set new curb and lay cement slSewalk on both sides of Trumbull street northwest from 6th street to 7th street at an estimated cost of 1220 to be assessed against all lots in squares 3064 and 3065 abutting the Eald work On the north side of street northwest from 6th street to alley at an estimated cost bt 474 to be assessed against all lots tn square 444 abutting the eald work Lay cement sidewalk on the west side of 29th street northwest from street to street at an estimated cost of 150 to be assessed against all lots in square 1283 abutting the said work On the east side of Georgia avenue northwest from Farragut street to Hamilton street at an estimated cost of 713 to be assessed against all lots In squares 3002 and S007 abutting the said work Pave alleys with vitrified or asphalt block The alley In square 2922 at an estimated cost of 2454 The alleys in square 3103 at aa estimated cost Of 1312 The alley In square 2672 at an estimated cost of 292 Southeast section Set hlue stone curb on both sides of 13th street southeast from Good Hope Road to street at an estimated cost of 3900 to be assessed against all lots In squares S76S 5769 5774 5773 781 and E7S2 abutting the said work Set new curb on the east side 01 Sth street notheast from street to street at an estimated cost of 400 to be assessed against all lots in sqnare S30 abutting the said work Reset curb and lay cement sidewalk on the north side of North Carolina avenue southeast from 6th street to 7th street at an estimated cost of 1207 to be assessed against all lots in square 871 abutting the said work On the south side of street southeast from Sth street to Sth street at an estimated cost of 530 to be assessed against all lots in square 930 abutting the said work Northeast section Lay cement sidewalk on the west side of 17th street northeast from Brentwood road to Rhode Island avenue at an estimated cost of 313 to be assessed against all lots in square 4133 abutting the said work Reset curb and lay cement sidewalk on the north side of street northeast from North Capitol street to 1st street at an estimated cost of 1071 to be assessed against all lots In square 674 abutting the said work Southwest Section Lay cement sidewalk on both sides of street southwest from 6th street to 7th street at an estimated cost of 1128 to assessed against ail lots In squares 472 and 471 abutting the said work CUNO RUDOLPH JOHN A JOHNSTON WILLIAM JUDSON Commissioners fel0ll2021 HILTON JACKSON Attorney IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT of Columbia Williams administrator of Friorson deceased TJlatke Florence Williams Clarke Jackson Llllle Jackson and Annie Wiliams a copartnership trading as tile Farmers Ground Rock Phosphate Company plaintiff vs Robert Mnrphy defendant Al Law No 54788 The object of this suit Is to recover balance of nineteen hundred and ninety eight dollars and eighty four cents L9SM due on certain overdue drafts and to have Judgment of condemnation of certain credits of the defend ant levied en under a garnishment Issued In this suit to satisfy plaintiffs claim On motion of the complainant it is therefore this Hth day of February 1913 Ordered that the defendant appear In thi3 court on or before the fortieth day exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays after the day of the first publication of this order to defend this suit and show cause why said condemnation should not be had otherwise suit will be proceeded with as in case of default provided a copy of this order be published at least once a week for three consecutive weeks In the Washington Law Reporter and The Washington Peat before said day By the Court WRIGHT Justice A true copy Teet Seal It YOUNG Clerk A LEVENSALEB Assistant Clerk fe207mh RUDOLPH YEATMAN Attorney SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OP Columbia holding Probate Court Estate of Sarah Ann Van Kenren deceased No 1DCM Administration Docket Application having been made herein tor probate of the last will and testament of said deceased and for letters testamentary on said estate by Emmie Theresa Van Kenren It is ordered this 12th day of February A 1J13 that Mrs Albert Schwarts Harry Rupley Howard Rupley Mrs Edward Henderson Albert Clarke James Shurter Frank Shurter William Shurter Mr Shurter Miss Shurter and all unknown heirs at law and next of kin of decedent and all otners concerned appear in said court on WEDNESDAY the 26th day day of March A 1913 st 10 oclock a to show cause why such application should not be granted Let notice hereof be published in the Washington Law Reporter and The Washington Post once In each of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day THOS ANDERSON Justice Attest Seal JAMES TANNER Register et Wills for the Dis trict or Columbia Clerk of the Probate Court fel3202T FOR SALE SPECIAL PROPOSITIONS IN WELL WCApp HOUSES THAT HAVE BEEN REMODELED AND MODERNIZED 1809 UTH ST Very desirable location HAS BEEN MADE NEW THROUGHOPT new front first floor tiled kltchea seven sleeping rooms 3 modern baths servants rooms OAK FLOORS ON THREE Seen high grade of lighting fixtures and decorations hot water heat electrio light An Inspection will convince you that this is the best value In a northwest residence to to price rtlW 1403 21ST ST English basem*nt stucco smooth front hot water heat electric light OAK FLOORS ALL WAY UP 2 tiled baths at tractive 11 eh tine fixtures and papering desir able locality 18000 171 ST Thoroughly renovated ALL OAK FLOOS 2 tiled baths electric light good Sited rooms large yard attractive home proposition W009 14TS PARK RD One et the most desiraMe and convenient sf the Mt Pleasant localities parlor middle hall library dining room and kitchen on first door 8 sleeolne rooms i tiled baths electric light stum heat tc nothing like It for 500 529 18TH ST So convenient to downtown rooms 2 baths furnace heat newly papered and palnttd splendid value at 15000 PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT TO IN SPECT ANY OF THE ABOVE PROP ERTIES MOORE HILL Inc 1420 22 St GOOD INVESTMENT OR COZY HOME FOR COL ORED purchasers Kramer street northeast near lsth and sts convenient cars ecuoois atorr frame dwelllnr In first class condition rooms water and sewer rent 10 per moath JOSEPH I WELLER Realty Broker 20 St 3500 NEAR NORTH CAPITAL AND I STREETS rooms and hath brick dwelling rented at i33w feet wide must sold to settle an estate JOSEPH WELLER Realty Broker 620 St 3850 CAPITOL HILL NEAR 4TH ST AND PA AVE modern brldt dwelling containing room and bath deep yard splendid oundltlon cellar under entire house JOSEPH WELLER ReaUty Broker J24 St 17 4500 tPBSTinNSTER STREEtf bay window trick dwelling rooms and both rented at J3550 good lot to alley convenient to all car lines JOSEPH I WELLER Realty Broker 620 St BACHELOR AND SHALL APART HETTTSf WITH WIQBB TOATORES PBysiciAirs OFFICE tn Best Downlowt Residential Section NATIONAL emr REAL ESTATE OORPOaATHHC 1211 Gmnectlrat Avenue PHG4E 2770 JTDRTBV FOR REST anl i town apartments all oe renins ireni ana rear enow portaes rat reduced Clark SBlIt a APARTMENT tor rent Pear rooms and tath with large hall pantry and yorch Sd Saor rest The Pulfprd 17th st sear Columbia rt 31 10 THE CONCORD New Hampshire and Oregon area Attractive i 3 and 4 ream apartments Wttfc bath 25 to tU per maath resident manager ttia Ime MS 14TH MW4 Ftrt larte ream and bath fine condition alto tour rpoma and fetth rent cheap Key ll8 ltth st store Apply IU I ttllJ0 RESORTS AND TRAVEL if FLORIDA RESORTS i FWBlDAiESifttSS SlSaiiiVaa ilffl FOR RENT New apartment Ajroly at Hygiene Apartment cor Mass tve and 3d rt nw tl FCRXIBHED TO SUBLET UNTIL JUNE OR OCT Two furnished apartments Phone TOl JeM tf HANDSOMELY furnished apartment 7 rooms refs required so small children Inquire No The Concord Jl TO SUBLET till October I er longer furnished bashelor apartment two rooms anl bath Apt 1tt Toronto a InSmiiier Climate iNDKa perpettui etaswne can ewoyed evttxt Till 5lM Indulftnee latae swsetout ioeUl IUI functions at tka variant leadts Rfttl i 1 ii i 1 1 SortBCTrln a dlstasaf tttmiia Mnli tl eiaxm wsm aa juMxiag tmh Tkmixi 1BTJniaB service freaprtBdptl titles Jacksonville tad Key Week witt cleat conaeetltati tat til atart Coast aterUstanuhlB tenneetletstUlaml for Maua at Key yVwt fr Hanaa Cuba DAILY SERVICE I dayHcht heart tt beaetlfttl Senthem Sea altar a most Bale ae trip over the aea folag Balirpad fit Mgustlne Paaee de leon aad Alcasirl rtja tia Halifai Beach Xiemi tiiiMii i i i Rata ton A 1 www MuxNtnmut Breakers Mju xaos 4 say Eiacayat es7 Kay i rUhmg Camp JUnont the Florida Keys Hauu Beiamai The CaJonla FURNISHED APARTHENT 4 rOotra a tth second floor sonthwwt exposure Furnlsaed either tor housekeeping or nenheUKkeepIng Immediate occupation and lease or as lent period as desired Apply Apt iW Florence Court Sl EXCELLENT room and bath apartment fully furnished iilano Washington Heights from Marsh 1 on to four menthe Box T17 this oOee il APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Up to date apartment of 2 or I rooms and bath famished by the month until Jun 1 Box 713 this office 21 T7N7UR apt for 7 months 2 rooms and bath third floor front 2 lest nw 2S FURNISHED FURNISHED APT Two rooms and bath far two gentlemen stats price Box 751 thb office 29 PROPOSALS PROPOSALS DEPARTMENT Or AGRICULTURE Office of the Secretary Washington February 17 1913 Sealed proposals will be received until 2 FRIDAY March 1913 for resurfacing with macadam that section of the Rock vllle pike extending from the boundary line of the District or Columbia at Station 0 fl5 to Station 6120 at Bradley Lane and such other wort as is specified In connection therewith Full information will be furnished on application HAYS Acting Secretary 2 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING IF your old piano needs repairing send for me 40 years experience former foreman with Stein way late of Droops head repair department 631 Lament st phone Col 176 fel82023 EXPERT piano tuning 150 guaranteed repairing hauling estimates furnished Room 16 80 st Main 4449 2 LOAN COMPANIES American For Everybody Our money Is yours as long as you want lt 10 and upward No publicity Advise us at once how much of our money you can use American Loan Go 1326 New York AvelW Second Floor Front rhone Main 3012 BBBaaWfeMaartaBnatannn RICHARDSON SHREVE Attorneys SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia holding Probate Court No 19563 Administration This is to giTe notice that the subscribers of the District ot Columbia hart obtained from the Probate Court 61 the District of Columbia letters testamentary oh the estate ot Charles Shi eve late ot the District of Columbia deceased All persons baring claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit tb6 same with the vouchers thereof legally authenticated to the subscribers 04 or before the 10TH DAY of FEBRUARY A 19H otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit Of said estate Given under our hands this 10th day of February 1913 OHARLE3 SHREVE Jr IOCS Seventh street northwest RICHARD WHITE 1301 street northwest Attesti Seal JAMES TANNER Register of Wills tor the District of Columbia Clerk Of the Probate Court felS2027 WM NBALB AND JAMES Attorneys ENGLAND SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OF CO lnmbia holding Probate Court No 19654 Administration This is to give notice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia his obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters of admlnlstatlon on the estate of James Drlscoll late of the District of Columbia deceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same irith the vouchers thereof legally authenticated to the subscriber on or before the 6TH DAY OF FEBRUARY A 1914 otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand this 10th day of February 1913 DANIEL DRISCOLL 107 street northwest Attest Seal JAMES TANNER Register of Wills for the DlBtrlct of Columbia Clerk of the Probate Court fel2027 BIRNEY WOODARD Attorneys IN THE SUPREME COURT OF XHE DISTRICT of Columbia holding an Equity Court Elbertlne Robertson Hamilton et al plaintiffs vs The Unknown Heirs Devisees ahd Grantees if any of James McKIm deceased defendants No 31457 Equity The object of this suit Is to obtain a lecree declaring the title of the plaintiffs to lots 27 29 and 80 square No 695 In the city Washington District of Columbia to be good b7 adverse possession It is this 7th day of January 1913 ordered that the defendants the unknown heirs devisees and grantees If any of James McKIm deceased enter their appearance herein oh or before the first rule day occurring after three mbnths from th first publication of this order Provided a copy of this ordbr he published In the Washington Law Reporter and Tha Washington Post during said period of three montheonce a week for three successive weeks in the first month and twice a month for each of the two succeeding mohths By the court THOS ANDERSON Justice A true copy Test Seal YOUNG Clerk By CUNNINGHAM Assistant Clerk Filed January 7 1913 YOUNG Clerk Ja91623 fe620mh620 FOR SALE HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS STYLE OF A HOUSE itoMes cellar under entire house i rooms deep on first Boor Rack building TWO 2 STAIRWAYS Hot water heat Two tiled baths Gas and electric lights Finished from top to bottom in REAL hardwood Instantaneous gas hot water heater Covered porches Chamberlln metal tather strips In all windows Room for garage Location lettered street west of Hth Price J7E08 Could net bs duplicates fef USOO Eee us about It 6T0NE FAIRFAX 1342 New York ave faTtf FURNISHED apartment or rooms wttMn 7 blocks Treasury for March 2 to Inclusive will pay good rate apply quick A Miller 1502 st nw Phone Main 1363 FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE New 3 story brick house 3112 Eighteenth street nw cellar parlor dining room kitchen and pantry reception hall 2 bathrooms and 5 bedrooms electric light and hot water heat 6900 original price was 9300 Address owner Mrs Mary Bentheim 701 Up shnr st nw ATTRACTIVE SEMIDETACHED HOME In select part of northwest section Constructed under the personal supervision of Owaen no expense having been ipated tO make It an ideal home Contains large rooms spacious unfinished attic bath hot water heat electricity and gU servants room side and rear porches in fact everything a bbthe should contain The finish Is elaborate and shohld be must be Inspected In order to appreciate Price 15600 Our salesman at yea service SANSBURY CO 721 13th st nw Phone Main 6904 POULTRY AND EGGS HATCHING EGGS baby chicks and ducklings White Leghorns Barred Plymouth Rocks Giant Pekin docks Our Breeders fcnjey free range an thicks are hatched In a Giant hot water Incubator Reserve Hill Poultry Farm East Falls Church Va Phone Rosslyn 9A fe8 lmo EGGS FOR HATCHING Rose and single comb I reds and white leghorns 75c for 15 tl for 100 also co*ckerels of these breeds 250 each A Root No 2 Herndon ya 22 KELLERStRASS white Orpingtons 60 prizes specials eockerels pullets hens settings Hutchinson fancier 3805 12th st Brooklyn fe202223 FOR SALE co*ckerels black Orpington prlxe winning stock Dr Perkins it Flney Bathch rd Takoma Park or U5 Bond Building 22 MEDICAL FRESH FROZEN OYSTERS CLAMS We make a specjalty of furnishing grocery stores hotels and lunchrooms Main 7413 20A 10th St HORSES AND VEHICLES LIGHT SURREY Meeks Sons 623 tor sale st nw In storage 1 1344 ST SE Three unfur rooms for 1 I tp 1 21 S21 4TH RT NW Three moms Sd floor 21 1320 HTH ST NW Three unfur rooms second floor I cheap 23 521 TH ST NE Three rooms and bath lttl AVH floSf rooms and bath to good tenant Jffijfew cheap 21 GREAT Iwrgains In high grade tarrlages soli to save storage owners hare sought automobiles 10 ext brougham 3 landaus 2 opera buses passenger family carriages i glass and curtain station wagons 12 passenger Brewster brake and four ln band harness borse show high wheel runabout ladys basket cnt under traps Small broughams and miniature victorias and 150 other carriages 8 pigskin Whitman and ladies and gents saddles 30 sets high grade harness cinnamon and black bear robes and coats pony vehicles WUlard Storage 400 Hth st nw sel tf DOGS CATS BIRDS money 1 1 to 2J Vko Elitrms On Diamonds Watches JtwChVi 4c Capital 1000 SMetest privacy In 000 dorsed by leading banks and newspapers Bonded to the District Why Paj More PRUDENTIAL LOAN SOCIETY Victor Bldg 724 Ninth St Cor Grant Place 10 AND UPWARDS Secured for Salaried People Owners of Furniture and Others Special Attention Given Government Employes If you have a loan elsewhere bring In your receipts and we will shbw you ho much you can save by borrowing from us Having loan elsewhere does not prevent your gfcttlbg loans here Credit one established with us is as goon as a bank accdunt In time ot need Our rates and plans have proved to be the beat because our customers are glad to come again WIUTK CALL OH TELEPHONE UOi 402 JENIFER BUILDING 400 Ith St AT Open to 6 Dally Satnfday to 8 ru DR SHADE SPECIALIST Practice Limited to Men SO vears cractlce treating itomach and hirvoni conditions liver kidney bladder blood and skin trouble EOS Neo Salversan Administered Consultation free Medicines furnished Charges low Hours 930 to 1 tnd 3 to Closed Sun Bays 733 13th st OR SPECIALIST 804 Seventeenth Street Of A 6 Sueeesslni Practice In CI I CM ilO the Cure of Chronic Nervons and Special Disease of Men and Women Means Health to You if You Suffer rtl 1 nt 1 TM1 ii il iii Pnes Throat Lung Brain Heart Blood and Skin Diseases Nervous Debility Kldnet plseAses Rladder Troubles Sneciflo Blood Potsonlne Emo tions Ulcers and alt Private Diseases cured for life by safe methods CHARGES LOW INCLUDING MEDICINES CONSULTATION FREE Trlvate Wattipjf Room for Ladle OFFICE HOURS 19 to 1 3 to I Sundayi 10 Id ii FOR SALE I HAVE It aid you can get it City conveniences In the country several beautiful homs ranging from 16 rooms baths and hot water heat on and near boulevard from 1 to 20 acres I also have one ot the cheapest small properties in Maryland rodm house bath 1 acre all fenced fruit 6hade lawn stable hennery shrubbery all for JJOOO Edw Daniels Cbm Nat Bank Bldg Hth and 20 AN ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE And profitable farm 1M acres ot very fertlla land new room house slate reef furnace heat large barn and other farm outbuildings all la perfect condition This up tb dat property is located on trolley line and macadam road 14 miles from city in Fairtat eounty Va Price Jeoo Will consider clear Improved or unimproved prop STONE FAIRFAX 1342 New York Aye fels tf ONLY 30 MILES FROM WASHINGTON 1000 acres 61 good land veil lotatifl Suitable tor any branch of farming Ideal location for dairy truck and stock Only 1 mile from railroad Creek rentage Landing on place Splendid fishing ahd hunting New flve room house Three tenant heiun Alfalfa will thrive on this land Timber worth tsooo to 8000 Frltt 23 per aore Reasonable terms STONE FAIRFAX 1342 Ave VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND COUNTRY HOMES In the beet section ot these Stales Properties veined at from 12600 to 1158000 Frte Illustrated literature HILLEARY CO 419 Southern Bldg aUClJ2 xjoosn AVB STKTB I Haaaaa Sahamas Ti Bwaaai Cu tU Key Weet and 0ifctXil NEW ROUTE TO THE PANAMA CANAL wits aaHlnn twice a naooth from Key West with wtop elt privlltiei TJatxesilea it aecoBHBKatMBt st mionaoie eaargee Tw Complete Infrmatiea Booklet vttcketi all Oaeaarvattow plj Imi Hekat Arent or tha FWtaa But Caast effleea at General Ofleaa IT XWUttTSi TLQXIDA OCEAN STEAMERS HAMBURG LariestSStCci OV1R400 SHIPS Atlantic Service AMERICAN inthea laoooo TONS ASHBHIDGE REALTY CO IJTOj COUNTRY PROPERTY EXCLUSIVELY Commercial Sank Bid ft Hth ant tti nw FARMS FOR RENT WANT a tenant rot a toOMtere hrm In arr laud fine opportunity for right man John Bauckmaa Herndon Va REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE iiT urgent heed of ready cash conduct my business forces me te sacrifice my Be robm heus with reception hall in best section of freights on wide avenue Every modem ebtlven lence including gas electricity hot water beat laundry servants toilet psntry double ehlnk closet double rear porches and large front porch Address Owner Bbi 476 this office fe8 tt FOR SALE On 9th ne near East Capitol bine rooms and bath browhstoae frodt lartt front and rear porches cist owner IS500J will sell tor 480O Johnsons American and Foreign Real Estate Exchange 94S Fa ave jaSttf HOUSES FOR RENT tftTRJftsttEI FOR RENT Completely furnlshefl S9 room house in the mbst select and convenient BiH at the northwest from May 1 to Sept 15 rent low to responsible tenant Address Box 648 this office fel6182023 FOR RENT Completely and attractively furnished house from March 1 Address Mrs William Cogswell Washington ja31 tl HOUSES WANTED TO LEASE By March 15 rbom house Oil Capitol Hill rank hot exceeding 215 408 Ouray Bldg 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW YORK FOR SALE Catenovla Madison county New fork The desirable property known as Bitter Sweet belonging to the estate of Elizabeth Wharton Mo fceai containing 12 acres delightfully situated overlooking the lake one distent frbm Caseneviev The buildings completely furnished comprise the modreh frame and shingle mansion surrounded by plaints ahd verandas containing parlor office and dining rooms living hill and five master bedrooms and four bathrooms servants hall spacious kitchen butlers pantry latindry fbur servants bedrooms and ohe bathroom A detached entertainment pavilion with stage and dance floor and open stone fireplace A gardeners cottage ith three bejfobms kltchetl and to bsthrBomfc A stable containing five single and one box stall coach house and tenement attached containing five rooms and two bathrooms A modern garage lth all convenience THe grounds cbmprise large lawn driveways Bewer beds and shrubbery a wild gafdefu numerous fruit trees and large vegetable garden The whole property In the highest state of cultivation Apply Henri McKetn Or Charles French Executors S03 Drexei Bldg Philadelphia Pa or RSmlrigtotii Cafcenovie 2S SUBURBAN FOR SALE BROOKLAND LOTS A well lectted corner tOOxioO feet In central Brookland twO BlotSS from ears sewer water and gas part cash it desired make offer Address Owner Box 653 this office felttf Every Woman interested and should now about the wonderful Mche FOR SALE St Bernard and Collie aogs all ages registered finest pedigreed ever offered prlta winners 702 st nw Phone North 5081 22 ifc frt afe MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and otWrs hjion dielr 6wa natae thesi rates east payments coqdentlal Tolmaa C06 S33 Uth it nw Ask your druggist tor ft If he caanat surmlv the MARVEL accent other but tnii Ktfttrin nr INnstnted boqk seaiei It gives fall particulars Init HtnrHnns tonhiltSIe to ladies MirielC 44 tilii Si it For ill hyO0ouneiri Pharmacies IMJJfc nw 32d aadO fti nt ft tad Ffc lTisaUl and sta ctr CHEVY CHASE For Homes FOR SALE Nlte place at Berwyfl Md two trol Jtf lines fci ft mln te city tlOjj far tetjai i sun cpeciai price lur cua tils office Owner Box 2x5 JJ tr ttANtEA place it once to raise ehieiffl near elietrle or steam cats from 10 to 20 acres with thirtvllegB buying from 4 to 8 roots house hdi4t flecessary bnthuililngJ Airirer at oncetqjTl Has8avein a FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TI roomi asif I tutus Set aHi heat tirle houe the best httrthwest itottoit will take as part payment In trade lot near car line Call aaln iaO Trite a Box ItlMP 46 ROOM brlek hotel In prosperous Illinois town of 1000 populetlta Recently entirely renovated New baths electric light het Water neat Probably best furnished email town hotel In State Rented for 1800 per year Value with adjoining vacant lot J35000 Property clear Will pay cash difference as high as 110000 for godd iea land Address Owner 8 care this offlefc 21 ae REAL ESTATE WANTizO WANTEr To buy from owneri no eghts a sit or eevefi room semidetached home In the suburbs preferably northwest Box 741 this office 20 LOTS FOft SALE LOT No 37S square 1801 at Observatory Heights can be purchased for reasonable Sash prlci make offer Box 714 this offlce 20 OFFICES FOR RENT DESIRABLE offices in Jenifer Bullilnf 7th ana ets nw elevator and janitor service Bpsn day and night to Hi per month Applf LD i HV Ehgle on premises tl FOR RENT OFFICES Jenltor and all night IHeva tor lervlce Washington Post Bldg atit tt MOVING PACKINGST0RAGEAC LET US PACK tour furniture china brle i orie iej fSr Imln ment to other cities we employ expert petiert only 8TORAOE MOTINtJ 8HIPPINO HfercBaiitij Tra6fer and etififiB 920 2ESt NW GET OUR ESTIMATES ON ABSQLTJTELT FlREPROdS SToftAOB PAdKTNQ AND MOVlNtJ UNiTED STATES STORAGE CO 420 10TH ST NW PHONE MATN U3 8AtJkDaRS EXPS99 III ELEVENTtt it Uovlng Packing Crating Shlpplnc Planes Packing China a Specialty Telephone Main J478 BPKCIAL tintij March 1 i3 irhna Ufilh lt itmltl Heidi Aivord Co Eft Mlh it nw epfcotit Wlllard ShoQt tf 73T JWflWr tree hultng1t tlty llmlta AOJly to Littlt tt ew One 1912 Rtading SUadard Motortjxle Nearlj new sola fchiiSi for Cash on IMI tlif it jrifcnt 821 Jth INDtAte fip tifin magaeto chea jjj rfttni IH UMA and rebuilt machines bf makes 19 up Howard A French fc Co JTJfl 14th st nw te0t ether MANICURE EXPERT llANICtnOffO Ladies and OehUemehtd Flor tiiss ioTUys UW Fourteenth Strret tHhM EXCURSIONS A Dtllghlfui tlb ttfe Matotttkl I Petetna Visit Mt Vernon fie Home in Tomfe ei deorgel WaiSi lngiori oi the rilaiiai Str Cha Macalestar Trli ialiy eMeptJnniSayy if Id ia id aeiaains Aaiutioii uronaas sifld Ifiilo iM 75cJ YlsMvifHii paakacana Mk Hi B6HlDAHESf GA BooletJ Jtlith ATMTtiaVlav LONDON PARIS HAMBURG Patrlci tfsh tt 10 A ins tiraatFet zt 12 noon ETetoriai March i A Pennsyl Mar 12 It A Hamburg direct td cabin only IMPERATOR THE WORLDS LARGEST SHIP will mjika her nrtt trip frsm HAM BTJRO Hay 28 arriving here June 4 Books now open for season starting June 7 11 a The IMPERATOR will continue in regular eervice between NEW YORK and HAMBURG vl Plymouth and Cherbourg MEDITERRANEAN aladelra Gibraltar Algiers Naples and Genoa Cincinnati 17000 Tons liar 11 10 A 8 Hamburg X1L0OO Tone April 9 A 8 Moltke 12509 Tonal ti April 1 1 S9A iL 8 Hainbnra May 0 9 Att Omits call at Alelera and Madeira CRUISES NOW IS THE TIME to book for the Panama Canal and West Indies See th Canil Before Its Completion LAST THREE CRUISES March 11 by Victoria Lutsk 28 Days MTC and piiu up March 29 by 8 Moltkfc April 10 by 8 Vlttorlti Lnlia and up iScrc016Days 145u SUMMER CRUISES To tk Land the Midnight Stm Scotland Orkney Faroe Islands Iceland Spitsbergen North Cape Norway From HamburgTdurlng June JUiy and August by 8 Victoria Linse 8 8 Bismarck ana 8 Meteor VVritft tor booklet stating cnilse HAMBURG AMERICAN UNE ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS 45 BROADWAY it Orbop Sons Co Qk Ceo Mots 61 Uth st Jtf Ifet asltotbn JPfr CUNARD MOST EXPEDITIOUS RpDTE DIRECT VIA FISHGUARD LONDON PARIS BERLIN VIENNA nshgnard and Liverpool The tastest stumers In the world MAUREftAMA LUSITANIA Mar 5 1 A I Aug IS 1AM Apr i i A I Sept 3 1 A Queehstown Fisniuard LlTenJool rJirrtirii Ht 1 111 llril Fri4coftia MirlZ 10 am Campania Mar 1 lam Carmihla Maf 10 ato Franconia Apr 12 1 am CampaaliiApr 1 am MEDITEKftANEAH Adriatic Scrrlce Calling at Madeira Gibraiiar Oetibi Nijles Trieste riume sailings noon Itinerary PANJiONIA Feb ZT CARPATHIA Mar tl IVERNIA Apr 8 SAXONIA Apr WINTER CRUISE RIVIERA ItALY ESTPT CABOiVIA Man 15 Rdctd ihe torta trips 198 SptcUl threugh rates te Kgrpt India China Japan Manila Aui trails New Zealand South Africa and South AttHlta independent Todri la Europe Ao Bend tor booklet Cunard Tours Agents for Peninsular Oriental Co In United States and Canada ninetarr tt Summer Crnliau Pf6r VTBy Ac 1913 July 1 18 Aug 8 Sept tt now reaay fters feet West lh Slteet OOees tt Btkti Street opposite BAtterj Mtissi Agent SIT ltth it WashtngUS NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Express fallings Cebrre Washington Fib 22 Kronprlnteisin Geellie Mh 4 Fast Mail Sailings Prina Friedrh Wllnm MrO Kaiaer Wllhelin II Mar 18 LONDON FARIS BREMEJ sailings on HATUKUAia iqr ji lHtu jituiititiiAiAii Prinzeia freoe Mar 1 Koenle Albert Mar 15 PANAJlAiirWEST INDIES Bfihh SS Grosser KnrluerM Waih bflice 7l Uth fc nwj Te MalflTJSO fii Droop A Sons Co ll SAmr OfiLfilCpS CO Gehfrat Agents Broaawaviiew rors Ling r7t Piynibnta Ckefboaf SondtASilo jj rwiadelf aU HnetMtonB LtTerpoal Atlantic transport Lini Rew Ydrtc London Blittt Red Star Una LaaddD Pari Via Dover Antwerp JVY P1ymonttiCierDbnrv Suatkanptes Tti Ytiiieenit6VrnLlrifi6oti A Winter eruliei TltlTlewa Italy iEcTpt ataataii tledltertaneaB Porta Iulri WAimNqTONpFFrci i3oaF fa iw JL femCKcpaweijpcr Aeal Hercfianta nd Sllriera Trtna iwijij mu Dlrtci Hoiite Baltlhiore tS SAVANNAH Aim ACKSOrVlLLE 1aV Mjmt tiifflHi Suiraiise and Somersat ta timmlisiot Rooms ciJaii Bathii Send ft eeoiiit Vx 68 Oi lit lUlSt ijiNeTf kYorkAreij JIlS Peana Are and 51T14tIiSU Turner I SLBal ttatore HO ATLANTIC CITY NJ The WeodinJ af tk aleaiurea of aa ottia iyafe with the dellihu and eomTotU a nnt clats hotel havmj an iht tlliidvtnt ages the former tltalaatod and tha ad vanttiel of tb Uttet bchlded Ul th hour enjoyed upon Its open decks or it its glitt entlosed Iblarluto eerl6ikln ta Ma ant the famous Baardwalk THERrS MEALtH AHD VIGOR IN EVERY REAtfl Thbnoteimainlalni aa unobstnrctel deeaa View from ivenf floor Us pictured above Sea water to arlvate eatht Capacity JM Alwgyicpea WALTER BUZfcY GALEN MALL HOTEL AND SAWAT6R1TJM ATLANTIC CITY NEW JEBSPYt An ideal place tor a long er skort itar Btn brltk and steel tulliinfc Rooms a suite wit not and coll sea water In pritita latht tsil and Curative Bafti and Jttaatmihrfrita triiniJ atttadUts Lessons la easketry IBl WelTU TODNa Qeal Uaagar ATLANTIC OITYi Americas famous tll yar resort Tor a week end suy or a longer Tidt The eall at sea is always attractive ATtANTie KSift i Joslah Walt Sen Company WASHINGTON HOTELS HOTEL LOGAN AMERICAN Arlb EtTROPKAN COR UTH ST AND IOWA CIRCLE Rooms single or en suite with er without print bath All outsld rosms Rates rUSDnaeUi mLLIAM OATTO Prop Fireproof HOTEL buipea Mas ddwhatan W0 i8io fr and fifcATt rCU toows 105 baths Palm rPUfL Jiaia Grill MUJlfe Ilooms detaehed batk L50 fitOO tip I ttooma vtlraie Data ti50 300 THE LINCOLN HOTEL itkaBaJrtgiiiJviW Ail eutslda rooms Running net and cold water In every room All large rooms neve trivet iath in room American plan 2 a day European plan tl a day Restaurant a la carti 8 Hyktt PrtP WINSTOMiiSL Fitat Strlit Nbitlist On Pennsylvania avenue car line Elgat mlnntes rem TJnlon 8tttloa American lad Buropetn plani ft Spates Proprietor HOTEL EVERETT American Plan and ISA sis nw adjoining Hotel Powhaua Completely moderoliedi running water in all reemij moderate dally er nonthlyrajes JI AJLewlt STEAMSHIPS Norfolk Washington SteamboatCo Dlhy ftiia Seventn 8L mart For OLD POINT COMFORT NORFOLK ui all Points SoutB NEW YORK and BOSTON BY SEA City Ticket Office 731 15th si aw Woodwara Bulldlnti HOTELCHAMBERLfH XX OLD PbiNf COMFORT A For Booklets address Or QtdF Adams Mtr roHreir Mofifot SOUTHERN RAILWAY pftEMlitit CARRIEfi OP THE loTTTtT i rollowtng schedule ngirei pnbtisled aly fctormsiioiwdvgtinotvkniiapteed TRAINS tEAtE TVASmNOTdN FBr Atltntt Uflntgomeryj Mobllei New OfJeanii 150 and 10i nj dillys Dlnlai cars For ChaUinobgt and MemphHf rit AsnerUlk ifl48 jjtrttly For Atlanta ColumotjS Blnnlnnami ti a bdJp liknally Dlniag iirt For Atlanta Annltton Talladega Calera Selml iBatmi ana 43 in aaily and fflfDeios toWn Demopolls Meridian 10 a nueally BU lng cars ----For Roinote firlstoL Kabxylll Chittaieflgi filrrdlSgliim Meridian VicktfcurgVNew Orleans lCiiab daily Dining earij ForBbanbiS Knortiile Chtttatisoga MsivillA Memphis li rru dally Sleenlngcarmly BccUprtil after lhS0p in Dining itr For AsnevUlr fMt a 855iifa and I A nt Sailv Dlnlnf dr cnatiestpn Aiken tcksonvlli and Dlnlnt iear ttmrti ui fnp rslltnrni iilltl lkf ltii Pf Dinvujtlil JWS a ni daily FofBiiHsonlittrrS4L mVdaUr parlor ttr imtparlorriao4 jfc oi wlftUyK for Chiridttesrill local 73 it nt and 0t fe iilly 3 ifparlor ctrr aa t5l im Jgowwc cenertiAgeiH WASHIKGTOlt SOUTHERN RAILWAY For Rlcftniond tnd pelntV fioilh ftUiFredericki farg Leva Dnloa attlenidailyttr4 i3J Floeal 8M5 a ffljJltnUnooni8gJisk tlotADi iib JSS andV J45tPintmr sLeal for jericksDur10refcnudilyiiOn Mi trtlrrunstnrpilgPio ilUtediFlotlda Llii llW Cdlneieave 115 pmr tSA Ui ttnd mftAfDr otdepartu iiilivt tnt BiflOJTllftlimiin Tli and tonnectlbiif nH iUthitUM jCHESAlAKmANBIOHlOINES J1S i mdiilyiieprsUo Sulsvllle iCIada i nstlinerapous ano vowijoni3a 4 imn or mjaiiy rsieepers tyaiaet eprtagv anctanatiiAfulL0uisvilletp4alftSts OfflcesltIitafwiUafultKii4ttonSti 1 fe wJTv 3 i H0S js iSigSw5.
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